Buying guide
If you want to purchase, visit the website and follow the steps below:
Step 1: Choose the product you want to buy
STEP 2: Choose the correct product criteria, and Click “Add To Card”
STEP 3: The screen shows the information “Checkout”
STEP 4: In the section "Account" Tab, Fill in “Buyer Information” and “Recipient Information”
Enter personal information: Name, Phone, Email
Click “Continue”
STEP 5: Under “Shipping and Payment”, Enter “Shipping Address”
Country, Province, District, Ward , House Number, and Street Name
– Choose payment method: COD payment or Bank transfer
– Request a VAT invoice (if any)
– Enter Promo code (if any)
Click “Continue”
STEP 6: Section “Review your order”
Note (if any)
Click “Back” if you want to change the information.
Click “Place Order”
Orders will be received and confirmed by the Customer service representative within 30 minutes
* Orders from 8 pm to 9 am the next day, Green Joy will contact you before 12:00 noon on the same day.
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